An API for the English Language.
Find definitions, related words, and more, with a simple to use RESTful API.

Words API is Dictionary
Use it to find definitions for more than 150,000 words. Try some:
Try It
Enter a word to lookup and what you want the API to return.
Monthly Pricing Plans
Account billing and access are handled by RapidAPI.

Buy the Data - $629
If you'd prefer to host the data locally, you can purchase the Words API data set. Purchase of the Words API data set entitles you to use the data as much as you want, for as long as you want. Load the data directly into your app, make games with it, train an AI to take over the world with it.
The only things you cannot do with the data are resell it, or use it in a service that competes directly with WordsAPI. And we'd really prefer you didn't use it to train an AI to take over the world.
Sample Data
The sample file contains a random selection of 10% of the full Words API data set.
How it Works
Let us know about your interested by emailing us at [email protected]. We'll send you an invoice via Paypal. Once payment is received, you'll receive a link to download the full data set.
What You'll Get
The entire Words API data set in JSON format.
- Over 325,000 words.
- 45% with one or more definitions.
- 56% with pronunciation information.
- 44% with syllable information.
- 18% with frequency of usage information.